Association of International Road Carriers of the Republic of Tajikistan "ABBAT" is a full member of the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and since 1995 in the market of rendering services in the field of international road transport, cargo transportation and logistics services.
The Association actively promotes its members in terms of organization and implementation of international road transport, as well as services when obtaining all necessary documents in accordance with international agreements.
One of the main directions of the Association is the training of personnel in the Educational and Methodological Centers.
The Association renders various services in the organization and holding of exhibitions.
Движение по дороге Душанбе – Чанак ограничено из-за лавин
Казахстан и Китай совместно увеличат объем перевозок по ТМТМ
В Таджикистане возведут самый длинный автомобильный мост в Центральной Азии